Paper Masks 


Your assignment is to design a 3-D paper mask. Your mask can be any type of creature, fantasy, realistic, alien, human, combination of two things etc.

Art Inspiration 

Learning objectives: 


Paper Mask Art Inspiration Assignment

Folklore throughout history and across cultures: 

Contemporary artist: Tau Lewis

Tau Lewis- Born in Toronto, now based in New York City 

Creates masks which envisions enormous characters who emerge from an apocolypse

She uses mixed media to construct the masks. 

"The monumental works, the largest of which stands upwards of 13 feet, meld classical myths, contemporary science fiction, and the dramatic performances associated with Yoruban masking traditions. "

The artist stitches salvaged textile scraps, donated leather, and remnants from a Long Island furrier into patchwork eyes and lips, tousled hair-like fringe, and vibrant floral tendrils that dangle and pool on the floor.


<--- Too basic 

Student examples; 

Student examples; 

In Class Practice: 

Illustrating a Character using Internal and External Character Traits 


Little Red Riding Hood.pdf

Planning and Design 

10 points for contour line drawing 

10 points for coloring it in 

One full sketchbook page

Draw layers 

Choose color scheme 

Skill Builder


On a scrap piece of paper (thicker) create 10 different 3-D textures out of 2-D paper

Divide the paper paper into 10 squares 

In each square choose a form and Repeat it to create a texture.  

