Totem Pole Sculptures


Your assignment is to create a three part sculpture inspired by the Native American tradition of totem pole carving. You will decide to create a sculpture based on your strongest personality traits or those of your family. 


Art Inspiration: Totem Poles 

What are Totem Poles?

Read the following article & watch the video on the page: 

Types of Totem Poles:

Contemporary Wood Carvers:

Preserving and Honoring Culture: 


Constructing a Hollow Form Structure on an Armature: 

Hollow Form on Armature.mp4

Using an armature:

Play "Totem" Card Game 

Learning objectives: 




Group share: 

Planning & Design 

Directions: Your assignment is to create a sketch IN COLOR for your totem pole sculpture.

Your design needs to have:

Complete the form provided and turn it in on Google Classroom 

UNIT 5: PLANNING AND DESIGN - Totem Pole Sculpture

Skill Builder: Photo Holder


Create a sculptural photo holder and use underglaze to decorate it! 

Learning Objectives: 


Photo Holder Planning Sheet